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HomeRetail Display BlogPOP Displays 101: Four Steps to an Effective Display

POP displays, or point of purchase displays, are valuable marketing tools that are usually found near the checkout counter at a retail location. If you’ve decided to add POP displays into your marketing plans, there are four strategies you should use to ensure your business and your product are able to benefit.

POP Displays 101: Four Steps To An Effective Display

1. Know Your Value. With your POP displays, it’s crucial to focus on what your customers think is important. For example, is your product on sale? Is it a new product? Could it give consumers a moment of relaxation during their hectic day? Whatever it is, make sure you show it off.
POP displays
2. Make the Important Info Readable. Take the most important thing about your product, and then put it at a level where your customers will be able to read it. Keeping the most important aspects of your product at eye-level makes them stand out more to shoppers.


3. Dare to be Different. Whether it’s by using a distinctive colour or incorporating a unique shape, make sure that your POP displays are different. This will help your products stand out in a sea of displays near them.


4. Be Consistent. Are you making a POP display for a product that is already eye-catching? If you are, make sure that the display and the packaging go together. Doing this will create a harmonious look that is appealing to shoppers.


Most importantly, work with a company that is dedicated to your product’s success. Contact us at d3 today to find out more about creating POP displays.