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HomeRetail Display BlogA Quick Introduction to Custom POP Displays

Custom POP Displays

You want to create new displays for your brand and you’ve heard about custom POP displays. At this point, you’re wondering exactly what they are, what kind of benefits they offer, and whether they’re the right fit for your product.


POP is short for “point of purchase,” which is usually the area where customers move through the action of purchasing products. A good example of a POP display would be the end-cap near the grocery store checkout line. Other places custom POP displays can be used include a back wall, the area behind a register, on top of a checkout counter, or in an entryway.


Since custom POP displays encourage the sale of a variety of products at many locations throughout the store, they can be made from wood, lightweight cardboard, metal, plastic, and more. For instance, metal, wood, and cardboard are good materials for POP displays showcasing hair accessories, food items, dog chew toys, seasonal goods, CDs, and more. Some POP displays come with customizable headers that display a tagline, logo, or call to action to prompt a last-minute purchase.


Custom POP displays can attract interest in a new product that would ordinarily be looked over when housed on a standard shelf. They also encourage shoppers to make impulse buys as they shop for other items, which can boost your sales and your brand reputation. For help creating custom POP displays that do more for your brand, get in touch with us at d3 today!