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HomeRetail Display BlogHow Custom Retail Ready Displays Fit into the Customer Buying Cycle

Custom retail displaysThere are tons of different marketing strategies that you can employ to boost your brand’s visibility. Using custom retail ready displays is a beneficial method because of the way this strategy seamlessly complements the customer buying cycle.


The Customer Buying Cycle


There are five stages in the customer buying cycle:


1. Awareness—This is the identification of a need and the determination of how your product can help fulfill it.

2. Consideration—During this part of the process, the customer considers how your product meets their specific need and may also determine if it meets it better than other products.

3. Preference—Preference refers to a customer’s logical and emotional inclination toward a product, which ultimately leads to a final decision.

4. Purchase—During this phase of the process, the product is actually purchased.

5. Repurchase—This is the emotional and logical part of the process that hopefully leads to another sale.


Now that you are aware of the five stages in the customer buying cycle, you can use this awareness to your advantage while creating custom retail ready displays for your product.


The Impact of Custom Retail Ready Displays


Custom retail ready displays directly play into nearly every stage of the buying cycle. For example, with a retail display, new customers can become aware of your brand and product. Your display can also be used during the consideration process by highlighting the benefits of your brand while also helping a customer realize that your product meets a specific need they have.