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HomeRetail Display BlogThe 5 Things that Matter Most When it Comes to Custom Displays

Custom displays can help you creatively display your product while attracting additional interest in your brand. However, you may still be unsure of what should go into a custom display and how to get there. At d3, we believe these five things matter most when it comes to creating custom displays:
1.  Target customer demographic—Not everyone who walks by your custom displays is going to be interested in your product. Before the design stage, decide what type of customer you are trying to target and cater your displays accordingly.

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2.  Emotional connection—Stories can connect people with products, so try to find a way to tell the story of your brand to establish an emotional connection. In many cases, telling the story of how your brand came to be or how it tries to do good in the world can have a positive effect on buyers.
3.  Personality—Give your display some personality! In addition to establishing an emotional connection, not being afraid to make your custom display stand out is a great way to enhance its effectiveness.

The 5 Things that Matter Most When it Comes to Custom Displays

4.  Bold graphics—People are drawn to bold, colourful graphics. Choose your graphics carefully to make the biggest impact on your customer base.
5.  Product differentiation—What makes your product different from others like it? Emphasize this when you design your custom displays.
At d3, we’re here to help you incorporate essential design elements into your custom displays for outstanding results. Contact us today to find out more!