There will be many things you will purchase for your new business that you can get by with mass-produced, traditional options. There will be others that are custom by nature as there is never a one-size-fits-all option. Others you’ll be able to choose between stock items and custom. When it comes to the displays for your business, there are several reasons why custom displays might be your best bet.
- Optimize floor space- While you can go only so high with your store displays so that your customers can still reach the uppermost items, you can go higher if you plan to stock extra items above. Standard displays may not allow you to optimize floor space as efficiently as custom displays could do.
- Differentiate- If you are in an industry where you have many competitors, it is even more critical that you do something to set yourself apart from them. Custom displays can go a long way to making your store look different and more appealing than others in your area.
- Fit your budget- Any new business has a set budget for capital expenditures, and it might surprise you that you can stretch that budget with custom displays that suit your needs better for long-term benefits. Also, you can go with temporary displays for some things so you can further get the most from your start-up budget.
If you would like to get the full support you need when determining the custom displays that will best suit your new business venture, reach out to us at d3. Our retailer and shopper intelligence is built on years of experience with major retailers across all segments. We go the extra distance to ensure you get the custom displays that will best suit your objectives.5