In any given retail setting, you only have a matter of seconds to convert shoppers into buyers. Because of this, you probably think that your custom displays should be as big as possible. However, when it comes to custom displays, bigger isn’t always necessarily better.
At d3, our approach to custom displays doesn’t just focus on sheer size. We make sure they:
• Are relevant to and appeal to your target customer base—Are your customers mostly mothers in their mid-30s or teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18? At d3, one of the first things we’ll do when you turn to us is determine who your customers are and then go from there.
• Are functional—Customers are easily distracted and prone to move on if a product they’re looking at is poorly presented or isn’t easy to access. We’ll make sure your custom displays complement the retail environment and are as functional as they are impactful.
• Attract shoppers—Even if you have the biggest display in the entire store, it won’t interrupt shoppers unless it’s intelligently designed, with messaging that delivers value. Regardless of how simple or complex you want your displays to be, we’ll make sure they get shoppers to not just notice your brand, but also engage with and purchase your featured products.
Don’t let your brand’s retail performance suffer because you think that the bigger your displays are, the better the performance will be. Instead, turn your project over to us at d3 for custom displays that are functional, effectively target your customer base, and most importantly, make customers want to check out what your brand has to offer.