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HomeRetail Display BlogWin Over Last-Minute Shoppers with These Ideas for Temporary Displays


Everyone’s been there – you need to pick up a few things at the store, but you’re exhausted after a long day and you’re ready to get home to your couch. Finally, you think you’ve picked up everything on your list, but then you suddenly realize that it’s your friend or co-worker’s birthday tomorrow and you don’t have a gift.

Not only are situations like this extremely common, but they’re also a great opportunity for your brand. By placing temporary displays near checkout stands, you make shopping easy and convenient for your customers while also boosting your sales. Below, we’ve listed just a few ways to make your temporary displays stand out and help you make that sale every time:

  • Offer samples – Now that you’ve grabbed the attention of a buyer, encourage them to take things a step further and try out what you offer. For example, if you sell perfume, offering a small sample is a great way to further promote your brand.
  • Make all of your displays match—Making sure your temporary displays all go together promotes brand cohesion. It’s also an excellent way to alert customers that your products complement each other and should be purchased as a set.

Influence buyers – One of the best ways to catch the attention of a buyer who is tired or in a hurry is with quick and impactful display text. Phrases like “while supplies last” or “product is limited” can encourage buyers to make impulse decisions.