If you run any kind of retail operation, you’ll need effective store displays in order to sell your products successfully. Creating these displays is a more complex art than it first appears, and it’s all too easy to make a mistake that can undermine a display’s effectiveness. Fortunately, you don’t have to learn by trial and error alone but can instead turn to our team at d3 to get the expert advice you need in order to make your in-store displays as striking as possible and successfully boost your sales. In this article, our team will go over three common mistakes in display design and how you can avoid them.
- Neglecting Your Floor Plan. The first mistake that we see when it comes to designing store displays is neglecting to consider the floor plan of your facility. You need your store’s floor plan to be clear and easy to follow in order to guide your customers’ path through the space, and you need to place your display in an optimal location along that path in order to attract the most attention.
- Designing Without a Demographic. Another mistake that we see is designing store displays without a clear target demographic in mind. To successfully sell your product, you need to have a solid understanding of who you are selling it to, and what cues they are most likely to respond to.
- Visual Stagnation. Lastly, when it comes to store displays, one of the worst things you can do is let them get stale. Our brains are great at recognizing patterns and will quickly filter out any visual information that stays the same for too long, eventually letting it fade into the background. If you want to call attention to a product, you need to change the way you display it, placing it in a new location with new signage. This will bring it out of your customers’ background awareness and give you the boost in sales that you are looking for.