In the world of custom retail displays, sometimes less is more. Depending on your brand and messaging, going with a high number of bells and whistles can scare shoppers away instead of drawing them in. There are many reasons why going with the clear, concise, and understated can be the right option with custom retail displays, so here are a few ways you can make this happen with these three minimalist elements:
1. White space—Don’t be afraid of white space! Allow for plenty of it around your branding images and text, so customers can focus when they walk by your custom retail displays. As a result, shoppers will be more likely to remember your branding and messaging even after they walk away.

2. Icons –Icons are minimalist by nature, and they are a great way to convey details about your brand without using detailed images or too much text. However, using icons on your custom retail displays sparingly is the key to getting your desired effect.
3. Typography—Keep the fonts you use throughout your custom retail displays clean and simple if you are trying to aim for a minimalist approach. Remember that simple does not mean boring – play around with oversized letters and different font combinations for an interesting effect.
Other minimalist elements you might want to incorporate in your custom retail displays include natural lighting, clean and uncluttered lines, natural flooring and materials, and neutral colors. If you have questions or want to create custom retail displays that garner the attention your brand deserves, contact us at d3 today!