Your custom retail displays are a big part of your business’ branding strategy, and you want them to continue to provide your business with results. This is why it’s so important to freshen up and recharge your custom retail displays on a regular basis. The question now is how often you should do this.
We eat, sleep, and breathe custom retail displays over here, so we have some good guidelines to follow when it comes to updating your brand’s displays. First and foremost, the most important time to update your displays is when they become damaged for any reason. Even permanent retail displays can get damaged due to general wear and tear over time.
Second, using custom retail displays to feature a new branding initiative or a seasonal offering is a great way to call attention to these offerings. However, if you fail to remove your displays at the conclusion of the initiative or the season, you run the risk of your brand looking irrelevant or out of touch.
Third and finally, beyond seasonal initiatives and damage, how often you update your custom retail displays is up to you. Just remember that consumers want to see new things from you every so often, so it’s still a good idea to change up your displays monthly, quarterly, or even annually, depending on the focus of your brand.
We’d be happy to give you our opinion on how often you should update or reinvent your display strategy. Give us a call today!